Monday, October 26, 2015


I honestly feel like Milo grew up overnight.

Let's start out here:
This morning, he woke up earlier than he usually does and I was sure I could get him back to sleep by rocking him. Wrong-o. He started screaming and Sean woke up and went to get him a bottle. He ate a little bit but wouldn't stop squirming.

Lately, he's been having a lot of tummy troubles and it's only incredibly difficult. We've tried several formulas, I went off dairy for a week (hardest week of my life), and it hasn't gotten any better. We are going back to the first formula he ever had, because that was when he was pooping best, and hopefully that works. We have a doctor's appointment in a couple weeks so, if it's not all cleared up by then, we can get some direction with all this.

Anyway, I unwrapped him, changed his diaper, and played with him for a little bit while Sean slept. We went to wake dad up and then he got in the shower. As he was showering, I put Milo in tummy time and he rolled over by himself! I went and told Sean. Thinking this might be a fluke, we tried it again. Success! Sean finally got out of the shower and he did it a 3rd time before being done with it. Yay Milo! He's done it one other time since then and I am SO proud.

Here's the other thing: THAT'S NOT IT!
I was putting him down for his second nap today and he would not calm down in my arms. Usually, I can get him mostly asleep before putting him down and walking away with him still asleep. His naps have gotten SO much easier this past month. Anyway, I figured he might be a little hungry still, so I put him in his crib and went to get him some food. When I came back, he was asleep. ALL BY HIMSELF.

Guys. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am. He's a really good baby.

But even good babies have challenges...

Next month, we're going to MN for a wedding and we accidentally booked a flight with a 7 hour layover in Denver. So, naturally, I had a meltdown when I found out. Once I composed myself, I researched the cuss out of flying with a baby and NOTHING had any layover advice.

So we're still a little lost. But we've never been flying together (Me and Sean or Us and baby), so maybe it won't be as bad as it could be. #prayingsohard we can all be okay and he'll still get naps and that he'll sleep on the plane. I've actually only ever flown twice. So. But at least I won't be by myself. At least.

And I am possibly the most organized, over-preparing, person I know, so maybe that will help. I have several lists going of things to do, to pack, where to pack, questions for the doctor, etc.

Oh, he's awake now. Better go get him.
Love, Ellen

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