Monday, September 21, 2015


Milo is so great. The last 3 nights in a row, he's slept 8 hours straight with only 1 early morning wake-up each night. He's still not in love with napping, but he knows night time and rocks it.

Here's how we did it:

Up until a few weeks ago, we focused on teaching Milo the difference between night and day - lights on, windows open, all volumes regular.

When he turned 7.5 or 8 weeks, we started a nighttime routine:
1: Sean gives him a bath with the special bedtime bath soap.
2: I dry him off and put on a new diaper.
3: Sean lotions him with the bedtime lotion and we put on his jammies.
4: He gets wrpped up in the SwaddleMe swaddle wrap (you can get at target).
5: I sing while he fusses himself to drowsiness.
6: I put him in the crib just before he's all the way asleep and he finishes drifting off by himself.

It works like a charm, basically and I'm super proud of him.

Other than that, he's been so happy! He smiles all the time (besides right before sleeping times) and loves having his face tickled. He's the happiest boy in the mronibg and likes reading books and getting mommy kisses.

For the first time today, he sat in the high chair while I made and ate lunch. Yay!

There's been a lot going on lately that I keep thinking I should post about but then I get sidetracked or take a nap or I just don't think it'll go over well, so I don't.

I will try to post more often, though.
Fun thing: Milo is napping on me as I write this and he just smiled and chuckled at whatever his dream was. What a cutie.

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