Tuesday, March 3, 2015

20 Weeks - Halfway There

Hi, all! Guess who's halfway to making their special appearance! It's Baby Donner!
Also, look who has an adorable baby bump now! {Before we get too far into this, a disclaimer. If exclams' make you shout in your head, you might have a headache by the time you've finished reading. It's just so exciting!}

Sean felt some movements a couple weeks ago and posted this:
"Guys! I just felt my baby kick! #OscarMagic"
and only got 59 likes.

But this kid has been squirming for weeks now and it's pretty fun. I at first thought it was likely due to his father's... qualitites, but now I'm thinking it might be something more along the lines of I drink a lot of milk so this baby's bones are going to be crazy strong. Or it could be a mix of both.

We have an appointment on Monday that will HOPEFULLY FINALLY tell us the gender. Let's just say we're getting impatient. If not Monday, then the 18th will be the official find-out date for sure for sure. When we find out, we'll finish our announcement video and post it here and facebook! It's seriously too sweet. You'll love it.

Speaking of appointments, I had a physical therapy appointment today and I only found out that my left leg is 2 cm shorter than my right leg. And that I should sleep with a pillow between my legs but I'm awfully toss-y and turn-y so we'll see if that actually sticks.

In honor of our 20 weeks, we got our prints framed!
 This will go in our future kitchen/dining room, depending on space or whatever. 

This cute guy will go in the baby's room! We bought it at FantasyCon last year and that's been our plan since. 

There's not much else besides that... We're just super excited! Only 20 Weeks to go!

Miss Ellen

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