Friday, November 4, 2016


Hi, friends! 

As you might've noticed if you're checking this from facebook, we have a new business up and running! 

Go check out the website and buy yourself a funny shirt! 

I kept one of the Nap shirts for myself and I LOVE it. It's seriously one of the most comfortable casual shirts I have. Sean and I are pretty proud of them! 

Besides that, we've mostly been doing normal stuff. Milo's first trick-or-treating went SO well. He was so cute walking up to doors and knocking on them and putting the candies in his bucket. There was one house where he went and picked out a candy and then backed up, and put his head to the side and gave the guy the cutest look I've ever seen on a trick-or-treater and I about DIED. So cute. 

Sean and I are doing our annual Every Night's Another Status as a tribute to the band The Early November. Basically, we just post a song lyric for the first 10ish days of November. And we're still figuring out plans for Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday!

Milo has been a little troublemaker, but I don't think that's really news because he's a toddler. No surprise. However it is a surprise when he's snuck upstairs to our bedroom and pulled out half the tissues in the tissue box... but that's normal toddler behavior, as far as I'm concerned. 

Anyway, go check out our new store, get something for yourself and some as Christmas presents! We'll start doing weekly shirt deals soon so keep an eye out!

Miss Ellen

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