Tuesday, October 4, 2016

On Religion

Hi, I'm Ellen and I'm a Mormon.

I really try not to talk too much about religion because, although it's a large part of my life, I don't like to exclude all my friends and family who aren't LDS. However, like I said, it is a large part of my life and I wanted to just take ONE post to talk a little bit about it.

Watch this video first.

That's very basic. However, it's also super informative. This last weekend was what is called General Conference where the General Authorities give new revelation and information about the gospel, as well as their own testimonies. It's basically a New Year's Eve every 6 months where we can regain our traction and make new goals so that we can become better members of the church and of society.

There are a lot of questions surrounding the church and, to be perfectly honest, even the most devout members have questions pertaining to the gospel. It's important to ask these questions so we can search out our own answers and learn more about this life and the next. The prophet and apostles (the highest leaders of the church) ask their own questions as well, and they share their answers with us during the conference. If you have questions, PLEASE ask. I would love to help answer what I can or guide you to find your own answers.

Of course there's a lot of weird parts of the church, but that is true with nearly every religion. Go to lds.org for answers to some of the weirdness that you may have heard. A pretty good chunk of the members are super normal people and would love to share their testimonies and knowledge of the doctrines within the church. That includes me, guys!

I know that this church is true and makes complete sense in the context of the universe. I know that the prophets and apostles are men called of god and only have the best intentions for the church. I know that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are real and that they answer our prayers. When we were trying to get pregnant with Milo, it took us a year and as soon as we started praying nightly together, we were blessed!

I'm no expert on the church, that's for sure, but I do have my own testimony and I hope that this sparks someone's interest.

Miss Ellen

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