Friday, July 15, 2016

The Small Moments

Milo has been whining nearly non-stop all day. I'm pretty sure he's teething, like one does before a big trip. Seriously... It was a rough day. It's been a rough couple of days. I'm stressed and nervous for the flight/rest of the trip, I'm tired of listening to so much whining all day, and I wish Sean could be home more often so things can be easier.

But that's not how it works. And I'm here rocking a kid back to sleep after not letting me put him down twice already.

The thing is, I love rocking him when he's asleep. It's the only time he will ever cuddle on me and I love it. I am wishing, though, that I could go to bed. And as much fun as it seems to co-sleep, I am such a light sleeper and I just don't want to deal with all that.

Right now, Milo has his arms out on either side of me, his head down and asleep on my chest, and the rest of him cuddled up under his baseball blanket in his monster jammies. It's adorable and I wish I could take a picture.

There was one time today where I made Sean take out the dogs and the boy do I could get dinner started uninterrupted. It was magical besides that I had to touch gross raw chicken.

Anyway, what I'm saying is that every time I want to start freaking out or moving forward with things, I need to be better at remembering to breathe in the small moments surrounding the big things. That's where the best memories are made.

I'm going to go ahead and attempt to put him down again because my back is aching. Wish me luck.

Miss Ellen

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