Here's a little run-down of what's been happening around here.
- All of May I had pneumonia. I'm better now, but it was a rough month. I was on an antibiotic that made me anxious and an insomniac, but everything worked out and I'm back in action.
- We're still in the planning stages of our big trip to MN. Plans have changed a little in that I'm flying with Milo and Sean's driving with Strider. It's going to be a ton easier that way besides that I've never flown by myself before. I'm not counting Milo because he's not going to be any help. Hah. I have lists going still, my plane ticket is bought, and plans are made. It's going to be fun!
- Sean is still plugging away at Domo, but he's really liking it. He doesn't come home as upset as he did some days at his last job, which I highly appreciate.
- Milo is ALMOST A WHOLE YEAR OLD. I don't know how to wrap my head around it just yet. My baby! He's almost a TODDLER. He's starting to want to take steps and balance himself but he's still dependent on crawling. He loves reading and pulling every single toy out of his drawer. And he's not constipated anymore! (Halle-freakin'-lujah.)
- We've started boarding dogs for a few reasons (spare cash, friends for strider, etc). And it's not bad. If anyone is interested, we have profiles through and
- Sean had his first real Father's Day! I'm so grateful for him and all he does for me and our family. He really steps in when I need it and I rely on him a lot. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY SEAN!
- Milo is getting really good at vocalizing. Which can mean that he lets you know when he's happy (giggling, always) or upset (tantrums). He loves saying Dadada and SSssss. He's still uninterested in Mama, but I'm not mad.
- Milo LOVES the pool! He tries to get away from me when we're walking around the edge of the kiddie pool, but I will not let that happen. And he likes floating in his thing around the big pool. Also, for some reason, he loves the splash pad and touching the sprayers and getting it on his face. This kid, I swear.
Anyway, I'll try to post more often. And pictures. Or just check out my instagram @ellen_donner. I'll probably accept you.
Love, Miss Ellen
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