Friday, April 1, 2016

Back To Normal(ish)

Sean's trial finally ended last Friday. It took 8 weeks total and we are all more than glad that it's over. Now we're trying to get back into the swing of things, but it's not super easy. We had to re-stock our kitchen because we stopped having dinners here and Milo's internal clock is still slightly off because his bedtime is back to 7:30 (where it was pushed back to about 8 every night so we could get in a quick visit with Dad for dinner). Plus now he's climbing on everything and I'm running around trying to keep things out of his mouth and not letting him fall on hard surfaces.

I'm getting the feeling he's just not super interested in our living room any more, which is something I totally understand. I'm pretty much over doing the same things every day, but I'm having a hard time thinking of appropriate things for him to do. Here is a small list of ideas that pinterest has helped me with, plus some things that I thought up by myself:

  • Spaghetti Adventures
  • Colored baths
  • Sensory Bags
  • Discovery Baskets
  • Playing outside

Most of these things will probably work and might be interesting to him, but it's still a pretty small list. Here are the other problems:
  1. He will put anything and everything in his mouth.
  2. He's starting to get super possessive of things (namely anything I don't want him to have) and will cry if I take it away. 
  3. He gets bored and distracted really easily (for example: I made him a quick sensory bag this morning with edible paints we made him for easter and he only cared about it for approx. 30 seconds and then just went back to climbing up on the ottoman). 
  4. He only wants to pull toys out of the drawer, never play with them. So there's just a pile of toys around the drawer and he's off banging on the table he's pulled himself up on. 
  5. I don't want to spend a ton of money on stuff he's likely not going to care about being engaged in for less than 2 minutes, which is all of his current toys. 
He loves eating and feeding himself, so all I have to do is throw some stuff on his tray and we're good for the next half hour. But after that when it's actual play-time, I'm at a loss and we just end up doing the same things. 

So what I'm saying is... Help? Does anyone have any ideas? Should I really get like a jungle gym for him? I have no idea. 

Besides all that, we're doing great. Milo sleeps through the night nearly every night so now I can wake up and get the day started at relatively the same time every day! And maybe you'd like to see a bunch of pictures of Milo. That's what you came here for anyway, right? I thought so.

 His hair is getting so long!

He's been sleeping with his butt up a lot lately. 

 Yay! Happy Easter!

 Family Easter Picture (yes, he was crying. He'd just woken up... haha)
 Grocery shopping with mom!

He crawled his pants off. Literally. 

We got a new island for our kitchen! It's so nice! 

Milo loved "dying eggs" (with the edible paint I was talking about earlier) and his basket.

He's a keeper.

Love, Miss Ellen

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