So back in possibly 1999, my family was, let's say, living on a meager budget. We lived at my Grandma's house and, at this point in the story, Christmas was fast approaching. My dad had a job at Albertson's, a local grocery store, and he was going to school at the time while my mom stayed home with me and Abby.
Like I said, we were low on a Christmas budget and I honestly don't remember what I asked for that year, but on Christmas morning Abby and I woke up to one of the best, most memorable Christmas gifts ever.
Under the tree that was neatly placed in our corner window next to Grandma's rocking chair were 2 cases of cans. Each had a bow (probably) and a name tag on them, one for Abby and one for myself. We both ran over and, since I'm remembering (possibly incorrectly) that they weren't wrapped, stared at our treats. Abby had her very own case of Apple Juice cans and I had a case of Tomato Juice.
I know what you might be thinking:
"Gross. Aren't you just supposed to use tomato juice for Bloody Marys? And weren't you only like 6?"
Yes, I was like 6, but I have always been mature for my age and my juice preference was tomato.
It was the best. I remember every time I opened a new can, I savored every bit, which is hard to do considering tomato juice likes to stick to the side of its container. My tongue would occasionally get temporarily stuck in the can. But it was all the best.
I know Christmas is over and whatever, but I thought somebody might like that story. I remembered it the other day when I was drinking some tomato juice as a grown, pregnant, married person. My preferences have generally remained the same, aside from the fact that I'm less inclined to ever want to listen to country music or pretend to be interested in pokemon.
See how happy we are about it?
It's so weird to think about. But so thrilling at the same time! Only like 6 months to go!
I don't want to say that I'm wishing time would go faster because I'm excited to be a mom, but at the same time, I'M TERRIBLY EXCITED TO BE A MOM. And for Sean to be a dad.
We were at a restaurant today and there was a baby at a table behind me and apparently it wouldn't stop staring at Sean. Adorable. He's gonna be the best dad.
I'm also excited for the part, where instead of just feeling like a chub, I actually have a bump that I get to dress up. I won't say that I've already started shopping for maternity wear, but I totally have. So what. Then when the day comes that I all of a sudden have a tummy, I'll be prepared. It's the perfect plan.
Here's one more super fun story to wrap this post up and then you can all be on your merry way in the new year. Beware: If you're easily queasy, don't read.
Once upon this morning, Sean made delicious buttermilk pancakes. I was feeling completely fine, ate half of my pancake and half my glass of milk and all of a sudden had to sprint to the bathroom to throw it all up. I cleaned myself up and went back to eat the rest of my pancake and milk.
The End.
Love, Miss Ellen